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Early Life
Young Svetozar,
c. 1890
Svetozar, Baron Eugene Fersen (1874-1956), when he was living in St. Petersburg as part of the Medem family. This miniature photograph is framed in red velvet and adorned with a small crown emphasize his family's noble status.
Baron Eugene Fersen,
c. 1895
This cabinet card depicting Svetozar in furs. Addressed A ma chère sœur, 1903, to his sister, Marie Zvenigorod point to their close family relationship.
c. 1900
Baron Eugene Fersen as a young man. Around this time, Svetozar is said to have attended University in Moscow where he studied science and philosophy.
Baroness Marie Alexander Fersen,
c. 1900
Svetozar's younger sister, Marie Zvenigorodski Fersen as a young girl. In young adulthood, Marie became a fixture of exclusive circles as a young socialite.
c. 1897
Svetozar (left) and his sister Marie (center) in Cossack uniforms. The Cossacks were cavalry soldiers who served as border guards and protectors of towns, and forts, settlements, and trading posts. Closer to the 19th century, wearing these uniforms pointed to loyalty to the Czarist Empire. See Svetozar's uniform currently on display in CGM's exhibition, SVETOZAR.
c. 1897
Handpainted miniature keepsake frames (1989:35.402) holding two photos of a young Marie Zvenigorodski dressed in her Cossack uniform.
Group Photo in Paris,
c. 1903
Svetozar (far left) and his sister Marie (second from left) with their friends in Paris, France. As children of the nobility, Eugene and Marie were often surrounded by members of European elite.
Prince of Zvenigorod,
c. 1903
Wladimir Prince of Zvenigorod on the steps of the Medem-Fersen's Paris home.
Marriage Announcement
Official invitation from Baroness Medem-Fersen and Baron Eugene Fersen announcing the marriage of Baroness Marie Fersen to Prince Wladimir of Zvenigorod. The wedding took place June 5th 1908 Yablonka, government of Nijny-Novgorod. Prince Wladimir later went missing during the Russian Revolution.
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Svetozar and the Lightbearers
Learn more about the impactful life of Baron Eugene Fersen.
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